I found some cool Dark Knight inspired artworks which I thought I'd share with you guys. I always loved super heroes that are edgy. Which piece is your favorite? Do you guys like to do any fan art and if so of what? I'd definitely love to do some someday, I once made a Torchwood/Pokemon fan art for my friend, it was pretty awesome. It was Captain Jack Harkness coaxing her to bed while Team Rocket was freaking out on the T.V. I wish I had taken a picture of it to show you but it was few years ago. I used to draw Daria and other cartoons a lot when I was a kid. It actually was what made me realized I had some talent if I could make a good replica of Archie. :) I just might have to try to make a Batman piece now!

I found this at Simple Stroke, link is below!
http://www.simplestroke.com/wp/?p=70I love the playfulness of this painting and the big grin on Batman's face! I also really liked the use of colors, you typically don't think of green with Batman or Superman but it is good contrast to the red.

This piece is my favorite because I find it so breathtakingly beautiful! The softness, how it is dramatic and romantic, since it is fall now, I've admired myself the incredible moment of leaves falling together like a summer rain. I've always had big soft spot for Cat Woman! The first image above is also done by the same artist, Marc Tan.
Below is the link, I honestly thought it was a photograph and was impressed to know it was photoshop creation.
Do you see what I see? This is a clever poster print of Batman with the Penguin in yellow. It just goes to show you can create art that has an awesome impact with also being subtle and simple! It is by Simon C. Page a British Artist who also did a pairing of Spider-man and Green Goblin which you can see on link below.
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