Monday, January 3, 2011

Art Challenge Day One!

I'm starting my 365 day challenge to do an art project everyday by using A Daily Creativity Journal for prompts. On the cover of the book it reads "Make Something EveryDay And Change Your Life!" I think there is something to it, hopefully I'll grow as an artist or just find myself more through this process. I attempted challenge one yesterday but it was just going poorly, I wanted to make some bows and two peas in the pod with clay but it melted...I think I left it in the oven too long...oh's a learning process. Today I decided to use different materials. I always admired paperbeads and had some. I had got Paperoni from Goodwill one day, it was only a buck! I made a cute puppy with it, with plenty of left over beads I decided to tackle my first challenge. "Day 1: Start small today and make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only the materials in your immediate environment." Below are pictures of the paperbeads bracelet and necklaces I made, it was pretty simple I just used a needle, white thread and threaded the paperbeads. I'm pretty happy with my project, I think it is good first step into this challenge.
The Bracelet definitely fit in my palm, the necklaces barely fit.
I encourage others to try this challenge, it is a good way to stay committed to big goal! You can even try the projects along with me. Tomorrow's prompt is to use your favorite animal for inspiration!

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